
Emperor's Hammer

Emperor's Hammer is a online community of hardcore Star Wars fans. All are veterans of LucasArts' computer games; TIE Fighter, XvT, X-wing Alliance (for TIE Corps), Jedi Knight and other games with multiplayer possibilities (for Dark Brotherhood and Hammer's Fist). I became an active member 1½ years ago. Each pilot starts as a Sub-Lieutenant, who earns promotions through active playing of custom made battles for each game platform, creating graphics, writing fiction or helping with running the whole show.
I mostly focus on flying single player, SP, missions, saving the pilot files and then emailing them for an evaluation. Completed missions earn you Fleet Commanders Honour Guard points, which in turn bring a higher rank in the FCHG-list.

Each pilot is assigned to a Squadron when they join TIE Corps. I started in Iota Squadron. Each Squadron is part of a Wing. The Wing I started with was Wing VIII, of Imperator class Star Destroyer Colossus. I flew several battles each week and got promoted quickly to Lieutenant. I participated in flying competitions and was awarded with a rare medal; Iron Star with Platinum Wings. My activity didn't drop. I started to write fiction, and still keep writing a continuous story involving TIE Corps and its struggles against New Republic or other dangers.
Soon I was a Lieutenant Commander. Shortly after that, Omicron Squadron needed a new Commander, and the post was offered to me. I couldn't resist. A wee bit of a mix up with my IWATS course on Squadron Management caused a hassle, but was nothing serious. Each new Commander should have completed the course before being granted the position. My appointment got the things in reverse order.

As Omicron's Commander I noticed that the Corps had pilots who didn't actually do anything. I had to move one pilot after another to the Reserves. Along the way, I finished two Tours of Duty as Sqdr Commander. I got promoted to Captain. At that point I chose to step down and give Commander's post to others, as older veterans came back to active duty.

Internal squabling and politics stirred up the upper echelons. Won't go into details. Wasn't that interested. Important figures got sacked. Wing VIII was disbanded and pilots got relocated into other Wings. Iota was gone, but Omicron is still alive and kicking in Wing X. We have only five pilots,so recruitment should be top priority. Sadly, not that many a player is interested in classical games with thousands of hours worth of entertainment left in them. I did advertise my TIE hobby in a recent meeting with PC-game players, but not with success.

My goals for this year are breaking 1500 points in FCHG ranking list and finishing a set of story archs I've vowen together. And to recruit at least one person. More shiny medals for my uniform wouldn't hurt.

1 comment:

  1. " Iota was gone" you say.
    No sir! It only travelled back in time. Some 4000 years or whanot!
