
Opas meedioille puhelinasiakkaiden kusettamiseen

James Randin viikottaisessa kolumnissa on ote eräästä oppaasta jota amerikkalaiset huijarit ovat käyttäneet asiakkaiden vedättämisessä. Siinä opastetaan miten voidaan pidentää "paljastuksia" sisäisistä sielunmaisemista, kuolleista sukulaisista, lemmikkeistä, jne. Koska kyseessä on minuuttitaksalla raksuttava laskutus, niin meedion täytyy olla melkein kokoajan äänessä. Erittäin paljastavasti kyseisessä oppaassa on melkein sama henkimaailmasta saatu tieto siitä mitä avioliitossa voi tapahtua:
(if caller is a male)
"Now in marriage, something is going to happen where you are going to end up being very successful, and it is all going to be because of your partner. It’s not that your partner is going to do it for you or push you to do it. But you see your partner has a very feminine influence as a matter of fact many people consider this person to be perfect and that’s because of a tendency to nurture, and that is why people love being around your partner and when your spouse loves someone that tends to be an unconditional love. Now like I said… it is not going to be that this person is going to do it for you, or push you to do it… but it is going to be the atmosphere, the
atmosphere that is created in the home… the atmosphere with the unconditional
love, and the nurturing that is going to have a lot of influence over you and
motivate you to your best foot forward to do whatever it takes to become

Verratkaa tätä vastaukseen joka täytyy antaa jos puhelimessa on nainen:
(if the caller is a female)
"Now in marriage, I see that something is going to happen where your husband is going to be very successful, and it is going to be all because of you. Now, it is not going to be that you are going to push him to do it, or that you are going to be doing it for him. But you see… one thing about you is that you have a very strong feminine influence… as a matter of fact many people out there really consider you to be a perfect woman, and that's because you have a tendency to nurture people, and that's why people love being around you. And when you love someone that love is an unconditional love. Now like I said… it is not that you are going to do it for him, or push him to do it… but it is going to be because of the atmosphere, the atmosphere that you create in the home… the atmosphere with the unconditional love, and the
nurturing that is going to have a lot of influence over him and motivate him to
put his best foot forward and do whatever it takes to become successful."
Huomaatteko pientä yhtäläisyyttä?

Suomalaisissa lehdissä on jatkuvasti mainoksia vastaavilta tietäjiltä (kuka tahansa voi mainostaa itseään Tietäjänä). Kuinkahan hyvin Suomessa on hoidettu meedioiden koulutus? En siis ole väittämässä, että kaikki lehdissä itseään mainostavat meediot ovat huijareita ja rahanahneita.

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