
Kytät ei sakota kyttiä

Tai niin ainakin jotkut poliisit uskovat.

Cops Writing Cops-sivusto on omistettu niiden poliisien puolustuspuheeksi, joihin lait eivät päde. Heillä on oikeus rikkoa nopeusrajoituksia, sillä he ovat poliiseja. Vaikka vapaa-ajalla. Ja myös poliisien vaimot saavat saman vapautuksen. Nämä poliisit ovat ihan oikeasti ihmeissään, jos heitä sakotetaan "pienestä" ylinopeudesta.

Onneksi löytyy niitä jäykkis poliiseja jotka näkevät lain pätevän kaikkiin. Suomessa ei sentään ole perustettu nettisivua vastaavaan tarkoitukseen. Vai onko?

Tässä vain yksi tarina:

One morning after working a double shift at the Florida State Prison in Indiantown , FloridaI was traveling my regular route home. The drive is about 45 minutes so after two shifts I was in a hurry to get home. Yes I was going over to limit by 15 miles an hour. I was traveling on a two lane highway out in the boondocks. Low and behold a state trooper traveling in the opposite direction had clocked me on his radar. He spun off the road and quickly hiy his lights to come after me. I immediatly pulled off the road and waited for him to arrive. I exited the vehicle in full Florida State Prison uniform. The first words from his mouth were "That uniform doesnt mean shit to me". After that there was no conversation and I recieved my ticket for 15 over. I advised him that if in the future, per chance, I was traveling by and observered him rolling around in a ditch with someone that his uniform wouldnt mean shit to me.

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