
Mitä Behe puuhaa?

Behe on mennyt kirjoittamaan asiantuntijaraportin (iso pdf). Hän arvioi tiettyjen koulukirjojen tasoa (Biology: for Christian Schools ja Biology: God's Living Creation) , ja toteaa ne asiallisiksi. Useat osiot käsittelevät fysiikka ja Behe on biokemisti, mutta ei anneta sen häiritä. Kirjat täyttävät Behen mielestä osavaltion oppikirjastandardit.

Ja tietenkin hän pääsee kehumaan omaa kirjaansa, sekä Wellsin Icons of Evolutionia:

"In my opinion it is pedagogically quite appropriate for nonpublic high school biology class to present the strenghts and weaknesses of Darwins's theory of evolution, some which have been discussed in my book Darwin's Black Box, as well as in Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, both which are incorporated into this report by reference, and for the nonpublic class to discuss alternatives such as intelligent design or creation. The reason is that, if the topic of a class is the question of how life originated or developed, then it is pedagogically sound to discuss a range of possible answers to that question, as well as to point out the strong points and weak points of each idea."

s. 31

Mutta! Mike Dunfordilla on omassa hyllyssä Biology: for Christian Schools. Ja hän on suostunut lukemaan sitä välittämättä terveydellisistä haitoista. Ja kirjasta on löytynyt uskomattomia kohtia:

Today scientists know that the inheritance of acquired characteristics by pangenes is false. When introduced, however, Darwin's pangenes sounded interesting and scientific. The abundant examples of natural selection he gave in his works were accepted as adequate proof of pangenes. Examples of natural selection, however, have little to do with proving the inheritance of acquired characteristics through pangenes.

Ihanko totta? Miksi kirjan kirjoittaja yrittää vihjata, että luonnonvalinta liittyy jotenkin malarkismiin, eli elämän aikana hankittujen ominaisuuksien periytymiseen?

When the AIDS epidemic began, some people said that the disease was God's judgment on the sins of homosexuals and fornicators since they were the primary ones affected by the disease. Many were offended by such an analysis, claiming that it is unreasonably cruel to tell people in pain that they have caused their own disease. Nevertheless, the Bible does teach that diseases that result from sexual impurity are part of God's punishment of sin (Rom. 1:27). Such punishment is in fact evidence of God's grace. It allows the sinner to experience the offensiveness of his sin and points him to the need for a Savior - "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).

Tämä kohta itsessään on pelottava, ainakin minun mielestä. Lapsille pitäisi muka opettaa, että Jumala lähettää tappavia tauteja tappamaan syntisiä. Hienoa! Harmi vain, jos joku viaton verenluovuttajan verta käyttävä potilas saa samalla saman tappavan taudin jonkun muun virheen takia.

Eikä kreationistien tarjoaman opetuksen taso ole huimaava muuallakaan.

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