
Uskontoon perustuvaa rasismia

Sellaistakin on olemassa, eikä vain Yhdysvalloissa vaan myös Britanniassa. Christian Council of Britain on julistamassa vanhanaikaista ilosanomaa, modernilla mausteella. Pyhä kuningaskunta on uhattuna, sillä rajalla vaanivat muslimit ja kotimaassa "poliittinen korrektius." CCoB:n perustuslaissa listataan tärkeimmät pointit. Kohta viisi on ylväs nationalismin julistus:

5. The Gift of Race and Nation. The Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland resolved that it recognises that all men are of one blood (or proto-race) in Adam through to Noah; and that from that one race divergent sub-races have historically devolved - Russian doll-like - (Genesis 11: 1-9) so that we are now different, though related, races and nations of men, all of whom God has made (Psalms 86: 9); which are each to bring their glory into the kingdom of God (Revelation 21: 26). The Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland therefore resolved to recognise the godly importance of race and nation as groups based on this historical and providential process of objective descent: giving rise to different organically-formed communities; sharing and passing-on common genetically inherited (physical, intellectual and character) features, together with cultures, mores, relationships, loyalties, memories, and identities-in-common; and ultimately - by the will of God - national homelands, where an ongoing connection between land and people has developed, and can be encouraged and preserved (Acts 17: 26). The Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland recognises these facts and privileges, especially with regard to the historic British people whose land this is. The Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland therefore resolved especially to welcome the British as such a People, and as individuals, into membership.

Muuten mukana on tuttu homofobia ja Perinteisten Arvojen Puolustaminen. Christian Council of Britain on hieman mystinen ja pieni järjestö, mutta sillä riittää intoa pyrkiä julkisuuteen. Pastori Robert West on toistaiseksi ainoa jonka nimi on yhdistetty neuvostoon julkisuudessa. Ja Robertilla on tiukkaa asiaa. Erään protestin aikana hän möläytti:

"…a transgression of God’s will…Adam and his descendants were commanded by God to fill the earth, not to come to one part of it, namely England. The refusal of Adam’s surviving descendants through Noah to spread out led to God’s judgement at Babel, and his confusing of the tongues…The blossoming of what I call the proto-race…into many nations was to be a manifestation of God’s glory, like light passing through a prism."

Käännös: Britit pysyköön Britanniassa, muut rodut kotonaan, se on Jumalan tahto.

West ei ole suosittu, sillä oikeistolaiset ryhmät ovat julistamassa ettei heillä ole mitään yhteyttä CCoB:hen tai pastori Robert Westiin.

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