
Dembski ja Behe puhuvat asiaa

Jokin aika sitten IDeismin VoimaDuo William "Informaatiotieteen-paris-hilton" Dembski ja Michael "Värekarva" Behe olivat espanjalaisen Pro-ID nettisivuston haastattelussa. Onneksi PTET jaksoi kahlata sen läpi. Haastattelun sekaan eksyi kaksi kohtaa, jotka ovat muistiinpanojen arvoisia:

"CA: Dr. Dembski, ID has come a very long way since its inception; and ID proponents are making inroads in a vast array of scientific disciplines such as astronomy, biology, and chemistry. How has your own work in mathematics (namely, The Design Inference and No Free Lunch) helped or influenced the development of novel ways of doing science?

William Dembski: It’s too early to tell what the impact of my ideas is on science. To be sure, there has been much talk about my work and many scientists are intrigued (though more are upset and want to destroy it), but so far only a few scientists see how to take these ideas and run with them."

Dembski sanoo suoraan, ettei hänen kehittämänsä työ ole vielä saanut aikaan tieteellistä tutkimusta. Hän mainitsee "vain muutaman tiedemiehen näkevän" kuinka hänen ideoita voisi kehittää.

Sitten on vuorossa Michael Behen haastattelu:

"ML: In The Edge, you make a defense for common descent (p.182) and later attribute it to a non-random process (p. 72). Considering the convergent evolution of the digestive enzyme of lemurs and cows, hemoglobin of human and mice, and in your own work resistance mutations that also arise independently (p77), why such a commitment to common descent? Isn’t genetic convergent evolution or even common design (considering your view of mutations) good alternative explanations to common descent?

Michael Behe: I don’t think so. Although those other explanations may be true, I think that common descent, guided by an intelligent agent, is sufficient to explain the data. It has the great advantage of being easily compatible with apparent genetic “mistakes” shared by organisms, such as the pseudo-hemoglobin genes I wrote of in The Edge of Evolution."

Behe pitää tiukasti kiinni lajien yhteisestä polveutumisesta, vaikka haastattelija kuinka yrittäisi houkutella häntä pois sen parista. Dembskin ja Behen antamat vastaukset ovat kuitenkin aavistuksen ristiriidassa keskiverto IDeistin ja kreationistin kanssa.


  1. Hey! I have never been referenced in Finnish before, although I did spend a happy few days in Helsinki a few years back :) "The Paris Hilton of Information Theory". LOL.

  2. There's a first time for everything, PTET. I've tried to keep up-to-date with all things ID and report them to the good people of Finland.
