
Armoa ja kahvia

Australialainen Mercy Ministries tarjoaa Jumalan voimaa kaikille halukkaille nuorille naisille. Skelliot on koonnut yhteen linkkejä joista selviää minkälaista apua he antavat mielenterveysongelmista kärsiville naisille. Mercy Ministries suorittaa manauksia, joilla päästään eroon demoneista, jotka ovat syömishäiriöiden ja itsemurha-aikeiden taustalla. Raamattu ja kielillä puhuminen toimivat siis terapiaan verrattavana hoitona. Mercyn kirjoilla on ihan aitoja psykologeja, mutta he lainailevat oppejaan pyhistä teksteistä.

Mercy Ministries onkin vastannut lehdissä oleviin manaus-väitteisiin.

Mercy Ministries Australia has been surprised at recent media articles which reported a range of inaccuracies about our program.
Mercy Ministries Australia was founded in 2000 as a Christian based charity. We offer a 6 month residential program for young women who are battling life-controlling issues such as eating disorders, self harm, abuse, depression and anxiety.
Prior to entering a Mercy Ministries' Home, all young women are made aware of the details of the program. This allows them to make an informed decision before their entry into the program.
As a Christian based charity, we provide a holistic, client-focused approach, addressing physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We also provide access to specialised services including general practitioners, dieticians, psychiatrists and psychologists. Our counselling staff are carefully recruited, hold government accredited tertiary qualifications and continue ongoing professional development.
Our program is voluntary and young women may choose to leave the program at any time. We aim to provide a safe environment where young women can deal with serious and debilitating issues that affect their health and wellbeing.
Mercy Ministries Australia is funded largely through the generosity of private donations, fundraising activities and corporate sponsorships. The program is offered free of charge to all applicants. We work closely with Centrelink and where a young woman is eligible for Centrelink benefits, this amount goes a small way towards providing 24 hour care, 7 days a week.

Tiedotteessa ei kiistetä, että he soveltaisivat "Kristuksen voimaa" paholaisten häätämisessä. Mercy Ministries ei olla läpeensä paha, sillä he tekevät yhteistyötä kahvilaketjun kanssa.

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