
Puoskarit pulassa Yhdysvalloissa, sitten joskus

Yhdysvaltalainen kuluttajasuoja on muuttumassa toimivaan suuntaan. Federal Trade Commission on ilmoittanut koventavansa sallittujen syöpälääkemainosten kriteerejä. Tietyt firmat myyvät jatkuvasti tuotteita joiden pitäisi hoitaa syöpää, mutta tieteellinen näyttö puuttuu. FTC on ilmoittanut yllättävän jyrkän kannan humpuukipillereistä:

“There is no credible scientific evidence that any of the products marketed by these companies can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind,” said Lydia Parnes, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

FTC laittoi peräti 11 valitusta postiin. Postia vastaanottavat firmat joutuvat ilmoittamaan entistä perinpohjaisemmin minkälainen näyttö heidän tuotteillaan oikeasti on. Samainen Lydia Parnes sanoo suoraan, että jotkut tuotteista ovat pelkkiä huijauksia. Eivätkä syöpäpotilaat tarvitse humpuukia. FTC on perustanut verkkosivun, jossa kansalaiset voivat oppia tunnistamaan puoskarit.

Tämän lisäksi Food and Drug Administration lähetti myös varoituksia eri firmoille:

The FDA sent warning letters to 23 U.S. companies and two foreign individuals. The warning letters stated that because the marketed products claimed to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent cancer, and because they are not proven to be safe and effective for their labeled use, they are unapproved new drugs marketed in violation of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Competition Bureau sent warning letters to Canadian companies that were selling fraudulent cancer cures online. Almost all the companies have adequately corrected their marketing materials, and the bureau will take additional enforcement actions to ensure compliance by the rest.

Puoskarit joutuvat laittamaan myymiensä tuotteiden mukaan pienen kirjeen.

Dear [Recipient]: Our records show that you bought [name of products] from our website www.HerbsForCancer.com. We are writing to tell you that the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") has found that our advertising claims for these products were false or unsubstantiated, and has issued an Order prohibiting us from making those claims in the future. The Order entered against us also requires that we send you the following information about the scientific evidence on these products. Very little scientific research has been done concerning the above noted products as a treatments or cures for cancer in humans. The scientific studies that have been done do not demonstrate that these products, or the ingredients in these products, are effective when used as treatments for cancer. It is very important that you talk to your doctor or health care provider before using any alternative or herbal product, including the products named above. Speaking with your doctor is important to make sure that all aspects of your medical treatment work together. Things that seem safe, such as certain foods, herbs, or pills, may interfere or affect your cancer or other medical treatment, or other medicines you might be taking. Some herbs or other complementary or alternative treatments may keep your medicines from doing what they are supposed to do, or could be harmful when taken with other medicines or in high doses. It also is very important that you talk to your doctor or health care provider before you decide to take any alternative or herbal product, including the products named above, instead of taking conventional cancer treatments that have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective in humans.

Nyt melkein kaikissa puoskarihoitosivuissa on alareunassa pienellä tekstillä pieni vapautus vastuusta. Esim. ensimmäinen googlesta tupsahtanut "yrttihoito syöpää vastaan" - Cancer Herbs: Holistic Cancer Option - esittelee tällaista:

*The information provided at this site is for informational purposes only. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this page and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are not intended to replace professional medical care. You should always consult a health professional about specific health problems.

Healing Cancer Naturally-sivusto taas joutuu ilmoittamaan faktat näin:

All material provided on www.healingcancernaturally.com is based upon the sole opinions of the maker of this website or those quoted by her and is for informational purposes only. Any information contained herein does not take the place of professional advice from your health care provider nor is intended as medical advice or to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Information is a compiled report of existing data and/or research and intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of www.healingcancernaturally.com. Approaches described herein are not offered as cures, prescriptions, or diagnoses. The authors/webmaster assume no responsibility in the use of this information. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment.

Eli vielä saa myydä vaikka tavallista teetä syöpähoitona, kunhan painattaa tuollaisen tekstin sivuilleen. Toivottavasti päivitetyt ehdot tekevät bisneksen pyörittämisestä vaikeampaa.

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