While your sex life during Ghost Hunting may continue normally, sex after the a real Ghost Encounter is probably going to be the last thing on your mind. Many women who hunt for ghost and paranormal beings often suffer from this and many other paranormal woes.
Many Ghost Hunters will tell you that sex is the last thing on their minds after hunting for ghost. Though their partners never seem to see eye to eye on this matter. Often the spouse accuses the partner of having sexual relations with a fellow ghost hunter. But the truth is many believe their wombs and in men their anus is infested by a real ghost. And as we all know their are real ghost that go after living sexual partners and their or many ghost hunters that wish to hunt these ghosts in particular.
Ihmisen sisällä piileskelevä aave voi tuottaa ongelmia mm. abortin jälkeen. Abortoitu vauva palaa kummittelemaan ex-äidin sisään. Kohtuun mahtuu myös entisiä rakastajia, demoneita ja räyhähenkiä. Mutta miehet joutuvat samanlaisten invaasioiden kohteeksi.
Honey, I Got A Ghost In My Butt!
Many strange stories in the far east have circulated about ghosts living in a haunted persons anus or rectum. Some just think it that have been attacked by a ghost or evil spirit, still others know that a real ghost has crawled up their butts. These pesky ghosts are said to cause mad uncontrollable bouts of farting and serious constipation or diarrhea. I can certainly attest to this as it has happened to my husband on more then one occasion. And Felching out ghosts is usually a bigger fear and reality then one might think.
Many male ghost Hunters are prone to such anal ghost intrusions and possessions. In the past 8 years it has been related to me by a person that specializes in such removals that a particular ghost Hunter of well known fame has seen her more then once. He states he keeps getting re infected because it is like a open portal to them.
Kummitus aiheuttaa ilmavaivoja ja ripulia. Onneksi peräsuoleen jumiutuneet aaveet saa karkotettua oikeilla rituaaleilla. Siunatut peräruiskeet huuhtelevat pihalle sitkeimmänkin kummituksen. Rituaalit kannattaa tehdä, sillä Maryannan mies koki kovia aaveen kanssa:
At night laying inn bed after a ghost hunt with his group he would begin to let out gas. The stench was horrible. It smelt like something dead and raw sewerage. It even formed word with the sounds of his flatulence. And it went as far as cursing out individuals in restuarants, Church and a funeral of a close relative. The intense passing gas attacks my husband had actually produced audible words that clearly sounded like a man speaking with a gruff or raspy voice. It would say " You Are F------g Doomed!" in a farty sounding voice like sound. Or, "Mutha F__K, He Is mine until the day he dies!" at first I thought it was Riley just playing games with me, throwing his voice like a ventriloquist, until the black diarrhea started while he was still asleep in his favorite chair.
Tietenkään aavemetsästäjä ei kirjoittanut artikkelia ilman mitään todisteita anaaliaaveista. Sivustolla on kaksi Orb-kuvaa, jossa valopallo on pepun läheisyydessä. Maryanna paljastaa myös rukouksen, jolla voi manata pihalle perkeleet. Toivottavasti tämä tietoisku auttaa jotain suomalaista aavemetsästäjää.
Vanhojen kansanuskomusten mukaan sikiönlähdetyksessä kuolleet tai äidin murhaamat laset huhuilivat liekkiöinä suolla. Nytkö ne sitten huutelevat peräsuolessa?
ReplyDeleteMitähän ne huutelee? Joskus niillä on trumpetti mukana. Aave persuksissa - no, istun sille kuitenkin! Siitähän sitten saa...:)
ReplyDeleteElämää kuoleman jälkeen? Ei kiitos. Elämä on muutenkin perseestä.
ReplyDeleteHah, tuo viimeinen quote aiheutti kunnon naurut. :)
ReplyDeleteBlogisi on todella hauska, keep up the good work!
Kiitos positiivisesta palautteesta. Sitä on aina kiva saada.