Vääräuskoiset ihmiset eivät ole Hamin maailmankuvassa hyviä ihmisiä. Varsinkaan jos he ovat puhumassa kristittyjen lapsille. Siksi Ham jyrähti, kun erääseen kotikoulutuskokoukseen oli kutsuttu luennoimaan mies, joka ei usko Raamattuun samalla tavalla kuin Ham. Ham myös kritisoi kokouksen järjestäjiä, sillä he olivat Hamin mielestä antaneet äänen sellaisille ideoille joita lasten ei pitäisi antaa kuulla. Eli sellainen vaarallinen idea, ettei Raamattua tarvitse tulkita niin kirjaimellisesti kuin Ham ja kumppanit. Kompromissit johtavat Helvettiin.
Jyrähdyksellä on kuitenkin seuraamuksia.
Great Homeschool Conventionsin lautakunta päätti lopettaa Hamin vierailut luentovieraana. Päätös lähetettiin hänelle sähköpostilla. Ham esittelee sen kokonaisuudessaan facebook-profiilissaan.
“After much prayer and deliberation over the weekend, Great Homeschool Convention's Advisory Board has unanimously decided to disinvite Ken and AIG from all future conventions, including the Cincinnati convention next week. The Board believes this to be the Lord's will for our convention and searched the Scriptures for the mind of the Lord and the leadership of the Holy Spirit before arriving at this decision. The Board believes that Ken's public criticism of the convention itself and other speakers at our convention require him to surrender the spiritual privilege of addressing our homeschool audience.
“Please know that our Board is 100% young earth and we largely share AIG's perspective from a scientific standpoint. That is why Ken was originally invited and treated so graciously and extremely generously in Memphis and Greenville (far beyond what we do for other speakers or their ministries). Our expression of sacrifice and extraordinary kindness towards Ken and AIG has been returned to us and our attendees with Ken publicly attacking our conventions and other speakers. Our Board believes Ken's comments to be unnecessary, ungodly, and mean-spirited statements that are divisive at best and defamatory at worst.
“One of the core values of our convention is that we believe that good people can disagree and still be good people. We believe that Christians do not need to personally question the integrity, the intelligence, or the salvation of other Christians when debating Biblical issues. Ken has obviously felt led to publicly attack our conventions and a number of our speakers. We believe that what Ken has said and done is unChristian and sinful. A number of attendees are demanding explanations from our board and we must respond to them.
“We believe that Dr. Ham is very intelligent and deliberate and that he decided that publicly slandering our conventions and defaming a number of our speakers is what he wanted to do. Whereas Ken chooses to conduct himself in a way that we believe to be unscriptural, we cannot countenance that spirit as we believe it would not honor the Savior whom we serve.
“A public statement will be prepared for distribution at the convention explaining our Board's decision. Anyone who inquires regarding Dr. Ham or AIG will be referred to that statement. We have no intention to defame or publicly slander Dr. Ham, the Creation Museum, or the work of AIG. Our Board would respectfully request that Dr. Ham and AIG prayerfully consider doing the same. Our Board takes seriously the admonition of Jesus in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
Brennan Dean
Great Homeschool Conventions, Inc.”
Hamin käytöstä kutsutaan epäraamatulliseksi.
Answers in Genesis ei kuitenkaan luovuta. Ei, vaikka kieltokirje tuli suoraa nuoren maan kreationisteilta (Please know that our Board is 100% young earth and we largely share AIG's perspective from a scientific standpoint). Ham julistaa, ettei tämä pieni tappio haittaa menoa. On tärkeämpää varoittaa kompromissien seurauksista, sillä vapaamieliset kristityt luopuvat Jumalan Sanasta.
Being kicked out of these conventions is sad, but AiG notes that this is not the major issue here. What is troubling is that more and more churches have been infiltrated by academics who compromise God’s Word, and many Christians are simply unaware of the danger. This is the saddest part of all—that a convention that will attract thousands of parents wanting direction in their choice of materials and information to give their children may be led astray and end up unwittingly undermining the faith of their children—children whom they want to train to serve the Lord.
We at Answers in Genesis are on a crusade—a mission. We continue to move ahead to call the church and culture back to the authority of God’s Word.
Koko maailma nuoren maailman kreationismin alaiseksi. Tiedätte mitä se tarkoittaa koulujen oppikirjojen sisällölle. Harhaopit miljardeista vuosista pyyhitään pois. Kuten myös fysiikan, kemian, geologian, biologian ja antropologian perusasiat.
Hehe :D
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