
Opettavainen video skientologiasta

Ei kannata keskittyä pelkkään Xenuun. Skientologien tiedustelupalvelun entinen pomo on kertonut mielenkiintoisia asioita järjestöstään:


  1. 4. I have reason to believe that organized scientology will try to prevent me from giving such details,
    including possibly physical harm to myself. Thus I wish to make one thing clear now. I am of sound
    mind and happy in my life and look forward to living many more years of life. I have no desire to
    commit suicide. Should I die and it appear that “I committed suicide” I wish to point out I would
    never do that and I would wish to request an investigation into organized scientology and Miscavige
    as potentially being behind my death.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCJ1907rt7M
