
Yksinkertainen huijaus on kaunis huijaus

Oli melkein itsestään selvää, että seuraavanlainen sivusto perustetaan internettiin. Ehkä niitä on yhtä yksinkertaisessa muodossa useampikin kappale. Saanko esitellä:

Echo Crow

Kun haluat lähettää viestin tuonpuoleiseen, mutta et jaksa ristiä käsiäsi tai meditoida. Kirjoita kuolleille tarkoitettu viestisi näppämistöllä, ja anna Echo Crow:n asiantuntijoiden muuttaa kirjoituksesi sellaiselle värähtelytaajuudelle, jonka jopa kuolleet kuulevat. Kirjoitus muutetaan erikoislaitteistolla tuohon erikoiseen muotoon.

Palvelun hinta on vaatimaton 30 dollaria, jonka voi maksaa helposti PayPalin kautta. Takuita palvelun toimimisesta ei edes teeskennellä. Ja se on hyvä, sillä näin Echo Crow:ta ei voi syyttää ihmisten huijaamisesta. Sillä kaikkihan tietävät sen olevan vain viihdetarkoituksiin tarkoitettu sivusto. Ja siksi rahoja ei koskaan tarvitse antaa takaisin.

While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life. - See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life. - See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpufvv
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life.
In order for spirits to understand your message, we first convert it to audio, and then use special equipment to broadcast it at a frequency that experts believe is within a spirit's normal range of hearing. We transmit at the same frequencies that are used to capture sounds believed to be made by ghosts
- See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life.
In order for spirits to understand your message, we first convert it to audio, and then use special equipment to broadcast it at a frequency that experts believe is within a spirit's normal range of hearing. We transmit at the same frequencies that are used to capture sounds believed to be made by ghosts
- See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life.
In order for spirits to understand your message, we first convert it to audio, and then use special equipment to broadcast it at a frequency that experts believe is within a spirit's normal range of hearing. We transmit at the same frequencies that are used to capture sounds believed to be made by ghosts
- See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life.
In order for spirits to understand your message, we first convert it to audio, and then use special equipment to broadcast it at a frequency that experts believe is within a spirit's normal range of hearing. We transmit at the same frequencies that are used to capture sounds believed to be made by ghosts
- See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf
While it is true that spirits can sometimes hear our voices, they are often unable to understand what we are saying. The reason is that they no longer hear the same frequency range as they did in life.
In order for spirits to understand your message, we first convert it to audio, and then use special equipment to broadcast it at a frequency that experts believe is within a spirit's normal range of hearing. We transmit at the same frequencies that are used to capture sounds believed to be made by ghosts
- See more at: http://www.echocrow.com/#sthash.Dbdd8h00.dpuf


  1. Hello. I am the founder of EchoCrow. I can assure you we are not a scam, and we do provide the service we promise.

    We are a new company and are still working on getting all the proper language and features up on the site. We realize people were concerned about whether we really deliver the service we promised, so as of today we will be sending our customers the audio files after they are broadcast.

    I do encourage people to do their research if they have any doubts about if it is possible to communicate with spirits. There is a lot of information online about it. We will eventually have more information on the site, but as of now we are more focused on providing the service than being a resource of information.

  2. Hello and welcome!

    I'm so happy that you posted here, Echo Crow.

    "We are a new company and are still working on getting all the proper language and features up on the site. We realize people were concerned about whether we really deliver the service we promised, so as of today we will be sending our customers the audio files after they are broadcast."

    Could you atleas give us a clue on how the correct frequency was determined for your "special equipment"?

  3. Rokotteista: toistaiseksi ajallinen yhteys.THL ei ole julkistanut lääketehtaan pneumokokki-rokotteen aiheuttamia haittavaikutus-raborttia vaan on törkeesti salaillut sen!!!

  4. Miksi suomalaisten rokotus-ohjelmaan kuuluu n.15 "tarpeellista rokotusta" kun muissa maissa se tarpeellinen on
    puolet tästä. Suomi on kuitenkin
    siisti ja puhdas maa ja terveydenhuoltokin on hyvä??

  5. THL paholaisen asianajaja??

  6. Voi vinetto, tämä on kyllä huippuhuijaus, harmi etten itse tätä keksinyt:)

  7. Could you atleas give us a clue on how the correct frequency was determined for your "special equipment"?

    I've studied cases of people who hear frequency ranges that are outside of the range of normal human hearing, and who have been able to hear spirits at these frequencies. These people have had doctors confirm their "super hearing", so its not just in their heads.

  8. I've studied cases of people who hear frequency ranges that are outside of the range of normal human hearing, and who have been able to hear spirits at these frequencies. These people have had doctors confirm their "super hearing", so its not just in their heads.

    But how does your company know that your equipment relays those messages to the afterlife?

  9. Spirits are here with us. They just exist on a different frequency than us. We send the messages within the frequency range that they are tuned to.

  10. What about getting answer from "teh spirits"? Remember kids, "teh spirits" is not answer to your trouble. See teh rapist, do not seek teh spirits. Message end. No cost to you. I am not scam.
