
Draamaa UD:ssä, katso ennen 404:sta

Uncommon Descentissä kuohuu. Denyse O'Leary on ottanut erittäin vakavaa bisnestä-asenteen Darwinin rasistisiin kirjoihin ja rasismiin. Nyt hän vaatii tiedeyhteisöjä tekemään julkisen ja laajan irtisanoutumisen Darwinin asenteista (sellaisena kuin O'Leary ne tulkitsee).
I do not want to quarrel uselessly about this. I am simply asking all members of societies that have made statements supporting Darwin vs. intelligent design to FOLLOW UP with a formal statement *divorcing* Darwin’s racism.

Just divorce Descent of Man now! Just DO it!

Hieman yllättäen UD:n vakio pro-ID ihmiset eivät ole täysillä Denysen tukena. DaveScot:

Speaking of influential books and divorcing oneself from the unsavory views of their authors do you divorce yourself from the racism, brutality, slavery, and misogynism found in the old testament?

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Ja bFast:

This sounds like a “boy we got ‘em we got ‘em” argument. However, it is silly and childish. Whether the modern theory of evolution is right or not is in no way based on whether darwin was a racist, or whether the scientific community acknowledges it or not.

If all of the scientists get together and in one loud voice declare their rejection of Darwin’s racism, because Ms. O’Leary has requested it, the debate that this forum is about will in no way be impacted.

This is a very ineffective “gotcha”.

Ketju alkaa häröillä ja Clive Haydenin sulkakynästä tulee tällaista:

The point is that any Christian who regarded racism as true did it IN SPITE of Christianity–not in accord with it. According to scripture, everyone can from Adam and Eve. However, Those who see differences between races have acted in accordance with Darwinian evolution, which is inherently a comparative endeavor to even discern evolution in action. We should also remember the killing of Australian aboriginals during the early part of the 20th century by Darwinian scientists who believed that they were missing links between apes and humans, and less than human and more than ape.

Eli darwinistit menivät tappamaan teoriansa todistusaineiston.

Kannattaa nauttia noista kommenteista vielä kun ne ovat nähtävillä. Koko ketju voi kadota eetteriin.


  1. Ne on kovaa väkeä tappamaan nuo tiedemiehet.

  2. Clive Hayden (ilmeisesti ylläpitäjä):

    "George, 'A student of history you are not Madam.' Apologize to Denyse."

    Vau, minä ihan jo luulin että täällä puhuu aikuiset keskenään, ei opettaja huonosti käyttäytyvälle viisivuotiaalle.


    "Due to St. Paul’s pronouncement that “there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” Christian women throughout the world fare much better than their non-Christian peers, experiencing statistically less gender-related oppression, violence, and dehumanization."

    Näin sata vuotta ihmisoikeusjulistuksen jälkeen on huomattava, että uskonnosta riippumatta yksikään nainen ei ole vieläkään ihminen.
