Police in a Dallas suburb say a man trying to rob a house accidentally shot himself after kicking down the door and died in the driveway.
Vahva ehdokas Darwinpalkinnon saajaksi.
Police in a Dallas suburb say a man trying to rob a house accidentally shot himself after kicking down the door and died in the driveway.
Have you ever considered milk? The stuff separates into milk and cream very easily. Yet I don’t know of this phenomenon being used in nature. The cream, once shaken, turns into cottage cheese, butter and butter milk. With a little common bacteria, you get cheese. Yogurt is just about as easy to make. Does this give you the feeling that these varieties were waiting to be discovered — like hidden treasure? It’s just all too easy to find such wonderful, yet unimplemented properties in nature.
Yhteenveto: Advocatus Diaboli yritti mustamaalata Woodmorappen mainetta valehtelemalla hänen esittäneen Nooan Arkin valaistukseksi jotain mielikuvituskiviä, vaikka Woodmorappe oikeasti esitti vain realistisia ratkaisuja. Jäätyään kiinni valheestaa, A.D. ei kyennyt myöntämään valhettaan, puhumattakaan että olisi pyytänyt sitä anteeksi. Sen sijaan hän yritti kuitata asian lapsellisella huumorilla, jatkovalheella energiansäästölampuista ja siirtymällä tivaamaan vastauksia muihin asioihin.
Discovery Institute’s persistent stress on humans being made in the image of God and that not being a privilege extended to the rest of the animal world makes more and more sense.
Let us suppose that Jill disputes Jack’s opinion that free trade causes poverty in the Third World. Jack may defend his opinion by producing evidence connecting trade and poverty but he cannot help his case by insisting that he is entitled to his opinion. How could that show that free trade causes poverty in the Third World?
Does your right to your opinion oblige me to agree with you? No, that would make the duty impossible to perform. For I too have a right to my opinion, which you must respect. If we disagree, I must change my opinion to yours, and you must change yours to mine. But then we disagree again, and must change our opinions again. And so on forever, never managing to do our impossible duty.
Vain pölkkypää hinkuu kiinalaisen lääkinnän kaltaista roskaa. Vaurastuvat kiinalaisetkin hylkäävät sen. He haluavat lääketieteeseen perustuvia, vaikuttaviksi osoitettuja hoitoja pelleilyn sijaan.
Puoskarit korostavat, miten vaihtoehtohoitajat ovat oman alansa asiantuntijoita. Miten järjettömään hömppään kuten kivi-, shiatsu- ja vyöhyketerapeutiksi voi kouluttautua?
Monenko vuoden opintojen jälkeen hoitaja hoksaa, ettei hopi-intiaanien korvakynttilää saa tunkea lapsukaisen korvaan liekkipää edellä?
Paikallisten viranomaisten mukaan ainakin puolet näistä odottavista äideistä on mukana sopimuksessa, jonka mukaan he pyrkivät tulemaan raskaaksi ja synnyttämään samaan aikaan. Sopimukseen kuuluu myös lasten kasvattaminen yhdessä.
Joukkohauta sai nimekseen Hanksville-Burbee Quarry. Se sijaitsee kuivalla maalla, mutta tutkijat uskovat, että “korkeanveden tapahtuma” huuhtoi fossiilit mukanaan usean vuosisadan aikana. Painotus on sanalla uskoa, koska ei ole mitään keinoa varmistaa, että joukkohauta todellakin muodostui usean sadan vuoden aikana.
Paljon loogisempi selitys on Genesiksessä kerrottu globaalinen katastrofi. Se ei suinkaan ollut pienoinen kevättulva vaan tuhoisa vedenpaisumus, jonka voidaan odottaa jättäneensä useita fossiilihautausmaita jälkeensä.
"Kun auto hajoaa, niin kaikki tietävät sen hajonneen vaikka eivät tietäisi mitään siitä miten auto toimii. Järkeily on erilainen asia. Ellet tiedä miten järki voi lähteä väärään suuntaan, et voi nähdä väärää järkeä. Puhuminen ei lopu. Höyryä ei nouse korvista. Silmät eivät vilku punaisina. Ehkä jonain päivänä joku suunnittelee laitteen joka varoittaa meitä loogisista virheistä tuolla tavalla, eikä yksikään poliitikko, toimittaja tai talouskonsultti saa puhua ilman sellaisen asentamista. Kunnes se onnellinen päivä saapuu me joudumme luottamaan omiin kykyihimme havaita virheitä päättelyissä."
Why, though, has a bunch of young people, connected only by the internet, decided to target a US religion started 50 years ago by a science-fiction writer? Why not the Iraq War, nuclear weapons or climate change? One answer is that they believe they can achieve something with Scientology. The most realistic of Anonymous's aims is to revoke the group's tax status - it is exempt from some VAT payments and receives rebates on other taxes. But the point is moot. You might as well ask why their most popular song is Never Gonna Give You Up, a 1987 hit by Rick Astley, or why they laugh at pictures of cats. And why are most of their masks a depiction of Guy Fawkes from the film V for Vendetta? Internet memes are not always logical.
The way you framed your question is wrong-headed. ID does not explain why or how….
You asked how, ID does not answer how….
For one thing ID explains how symbolic information came to be used in the machinery of life.
"The teacher looked and me and said: 'We have to tell you something. The educational assistant who works with Victoria went to see a psychic last night, and the psychic asked the educational assistant at that particular time if she works with a little girl by the name of "V." And she said 'yes, I do.' And she said, 'well, you need to know that that child is being sexually abused by a man between the ages of 23 and 26.'"
On Monday, California became the second state in the nation to legally recognize same-sex marriages. Do you think gay marriages should be legal in Colorado?
Yes 85.80%
No 13.74%
Not Sure 0.46%
pwnt by the PZ effect.
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You agree that the Company is an entertainment company and the entire interaction with the Company, is indeed for entertainment purposes only. You agree that the Company may use alternative names for privacy purposes and that stage names are not fraud, but merely a means of privacy. You are surrending, and understand your surrendering of your rights to file charges against the Company. You are holding yourself alone, liable for any transaction made between yourself and the Company, from basic communication, to payment of any services.
For the longest time the cultural side of the ID wars has been neglected, often being fought (and often undermined) by the clergy. But the cultural war will now be waged by those most qualified architects of a new culture, namely, artists, journalists, novelists, song writers/musicians, filmakers, etc.
To get a flavor of the changes happening, visit this radically pro-ID film studio which had its unveiling at the Cannes Film Festival. See http://www.IJNP.org
Germany recently unveiled a memorial to what the press called “the Nazis’ long-ignored gay victims.” Across the road from Berlin’s monument to Jewish Holocaust victims, the new shrine features a pavilion-sized concrete slab with a window through which visitors view a video of two men kissing. This commemoration follows a longstanding, misleading attempt to depict homosexuals as prime targets of Hitler. In fact, even historical material released with the memorial noted only “an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 gay men deported to concentration camps” –and by no means all of them were killed. While homosexuals surely outnumbered the less-than-one-percent of the German population that was Jewish, Jewish victims of Nazi death camps outnumbered estimated gay victims by more than 500 to 1. Persecution of any group deserves condemnation and remembrance, but it’s wrong to exaggerate the extent of victimization for politically correct P.R. purposes.
Norjan suurkäräjät on hyväksynyt uuden lain, joka sallii homo- ja lesboparien avioliitot, adoptiot sekä lesbojen keinohedelmöityksen. Hallituksen lakiehdotus voitti kiihkeän keskustelun jälkeen äänin 84 - 41.
Vastustavat äänet tulivat kristillisdemokraateilta ja äärioikeistolaiselta edistyspuolueelta.
With devout believers like this, give me a good infidel any time. Ever since Phil Johnson began publicly voicing his criticisms of Darwinism in the early 90s, his biggest detractors and most vicious critics have been — surprise, surprise — fellow Christians.
What’s our strategy. The strategy is multipronged. Let me just give you one prong: WIN THE YOUTH. The release date for Miller’s book is June 12th. I’ve got a book titled Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language (co-authored with youth speaker and high-school teacher Sean McDowell) whose release date is July 1st. It is geared specifically at mobilizing Christian young people, homeschoolers, and church youth groups with the ID alternative to Darwinian evolution.
What would be permitted under the bill is the presentation of scientific analysis and critiques of existing scientific theories. Thus, school districts could allow teachers to cover debates among scientists about whether random mutations are actually a major engine for evolutionary change as modern Darwinism claims. They could also allow discussions of experimental evidence showing the limits of natural selection. And they certainly could allow the presentation of more information and analysis about theories of the chemical origins of life from non-life.
"Surkastuneiksi sanotaan elimiä, joilla ei ole mitään funktioita tai joilla on rakeenteeseen nähden liian vähäinen funktio."
"Ei voida puhua kyseisten luiden toimintakyvyttömyydestä, koska valaat eivät ilman niitä voisi sukeltaa eivät edes lisääntyä."
"Surkastuneet elimet, joita ei voi tulkita mikroevoluution perusteella"
"Evoluutioteoreettisen perustelun mukaan siirtyminen veteen merkitsi samalla raajojen ja lantion luiden taantumaa. Tästä seurasi muun ruumiin perusteellinen rakennemuutos. Tällainen rakennemuutos olisi epäilemättä luokiteltava makroevolutiiviseksi, joten taantuminen ja aito uuden muodostuminen olisivat tässä tapauksessa kulkeneet käsi kädessä."
”Tässä yhteydessä esitetään myös väite, että surkastuneet elimet olisivat tunnistettavissa siten, että niillä olisi vielä aikaisempiin täysin muodostuneisiin elimiin nähden jonkinlainen jäännöstoiminta.”
"Yhtä hyvin voidaan olettaa, että abdominaaliluut luotiin alunperin siinä täysin kehittyneessä muodossaan, jossa ne tänäänkin esiintyvät. Tämä muoto sopii valaalle ominaiseen elintapaan ja sen voi ymmärtää nykyisen elintavan perusteella."
I think the results fit a lot more easily into the viewpoint of The Edge of Evolution. One of the major points of the book was that if only one mutation is needed to confer some ability, then Darwinian evolution has little problem finding it. But if more than one is needed, the probability of getting all the right ones grows exponentially worse. “If two mutations have to occur before there is a net beneficial effect — if an intermediate state is harmful, or less fit than the starting state — then there is already a big evolutionary problem.” (4) And what if more than two are needed? The task quickly gets out of reach of random mutation.
In The Edge of Evolution I had argued that the extreme rarity of the development of chloroquine resistance in malaria was likely the result of the need for several mutations to occur before the trait appeared. Even though the evolutionary literature contains discussions of multiple mutations (5), Darwinian reviewers drew back in horror, acted as if I had blasphemed, and argued desperately that a series of single beneficial mutations certainly could do the trick. Now here we have Richard Lenski affirming that the evolution of some pretty simple cellular features likely requires multiple mutations.
Going after the Dianautics
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes should avoid takin' a cruise with the Scientologists this summer on threat of being sacked by pirates!
Crazy anti-Scientology vigilante group "Anonymous," which has been attacking the church and Cruise on YouTube, is stepping up its antics, promising to launch "Operation: Sea Arrrgh," an attack on Scientology's Sea Organization, the elite arm of the church that operates a ship called MV Freewinds.
The protesters, who claim they stay under the radar to protect themselves from church backlash, are peppering media outlets with promises they'll accost the Sea Organization all summer long, all pirate-style, in their latest attempt to expose the underbelly of the celebrity religion.
Yikes. If only Johnny Depp was a Scientologist, everything would be okay.
“Doctors gave instruction before vaccination and explained ZA 26-X vaccine had to be pink. But when I began to vaccinate pupils, I saw it was fallow. I noticed it but I did not pay much attention to it. Often people describe colors in different way, you know”
On vähän informaatiota Gold Reikistä, mutta tiedetään, että se on niin voimakas, koska se on yhteydessä Gold Ray:hin (Kultaiseen Säteeseen), joka on tunnettu sen puhdistavista ominaisuuksista. Tämä Reiki systeemi luo energiaa, joka on niin puhdas, että se nostaa ihmisen värähtelytasoa jota hoidetaan niin korkealle siihen pisteeseen, että healing voi tapahtua fyysisessä kehossa.
"Consider this officer lacking in the essential qualities of judgment, leadership and cooperation...Not considered qualified for command or promotion at this time. Recommend duty on a large vessel where he can be properly supervised."
- Jokaisesta turhasta sanasta joudutte tekemään tilin. Raamatussa vastustetaan ylipäätänsä äänielinten joutavanpäiväistä käyttöä. Kirosanat ovat tässä eturintamassa, Vasari sanoo.
Yoko Ono’s copyright infringement suit against the makers of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for using 15 seconds of the Lennon song Imagine was thrown out of court. Of course we all knew it was no more than a nuisance suit brought because Ono didn’t approve of the film’s negative view of the philosophy expressed in Imagine.