
Freudilainen lipsahdus UD:ssä

Aina välillä totuus pulpahtaa pintaan Uncommon Descentissä. Eräässä ketjussa DaveScot pohtii mitä tapahtuisi, jos suhteellisuusteoria joutuisi lakitupaan. Johon Domoman esittää pienen vastauksen ja heti perään korjauksen.




11:53 am


If the weaknesses of general relativity are taught will the defenders of scientific dogma bring out the lawyers to stop it?




12:18 pm


I’m pretty sure they won’t bring out lawyers. Real theories don’t get in legal trouble. :P




12:20 pm

Actually, let me re-phrase that. Real theories that don’t challenge neo-Darwinism, don’t get in legal trouble.

Koska ID on Oikea Teoria, niin se joutuu ongelmiin lakituvassa. Domoman joutui tekemään tarkennuksen, sillä kuten kaikki tiedämme, ID on jatkuvasti lakituvassa.

Tämän jälkeen DaveScot osoittaa ettei ole vieläkään toipunut Doverista.

Had Dover been a jury trial I might be tempted to say it was in the public square but it wasn’t so no it’s not. The “public square” was the school district who had the audacity to want to teach both sides of the controversy.

Do you think the large increase in voter preference for teaching the controversy might be in large part a backlash against Dover? Taking away freedom of speech from voters is usually not well received in the the United States. Essentially what happened in Dover is that a tiny minority told a large majority that they were not allowed to have anything critical about evolution introduced into the public schools where the majority’s children were in attendance. It’s not surprising this would raise even more hackles. It turns criticism of evolution into the proverbial forbidden fruit.

Mitä tapahtui oikeudenkäynnin jälkeen? Dover äänesti uudet jäsenet koululautakuntaan. Valehtelevat kreationistit saivat lähteä. Tilalle tuli pro-tiedeopetus lautakunta. Kansa päätti, mutta DaveScot ei huomannut.

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