
Common Descent ja Dembski yhteen soppii

Huomenna pannaan kyselijät banniin? Kyllä. Ongelmia edessä. DaveScot on mennyt kirjoittamaan, että Dembskin kanta yhteiseen polveutumiseen on "sitoutumaton". Aikaisemmin Dembski oli esitelmänsä jälkeen sanonut, ettei hyväksy ihmisen polveutumista muista eläimistä.



"You are making the common mistake of conflating “evolution” and common descent. ID does not dispute common descent. Neither does ID confirm common descent. It just doesn’t speak to that subject. As one might expect since there is actually nothing ID says about common descent there are some ID proponents who accept common descent (Mike Behe and me, for example) and some who do not (Paul Nelson, for example). Still others are non-committal (Dembski, for example)."

10:52 pm

"Dr. Dembski,
Dave says that you are non-committal regarding common descent. There are Darwinists claiming that at your recent talk in Oklahoma, you said you did not believe that humans and apes share a common ancestor.
I think they’re making it up. Is there a transcript of the talk available so we can show that they’re lying?"

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